Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals are important milestones in our lives, and these are times when many people feel that they would like to mark the occasion with a Church ceremony of some kind.
We would be delighted to discuss your plans with you and see how we might help. Please contact our Minister via the Contact us page.

Baptism is a sacrament by which children (and people of all ages) are welcomed in the care and family of the Church, a sign of God’s love in Christ.
Information is also available in a booklet available from the United Reformed Church “What we believe about Baptism”- view here.
The URC affirms Equal Marriage and Bush Hill’s building is authorised for marriages, marriage blessings and the blessing of Civil Partnerships. It is important to note that a Registrar must also be present at some of these events. We would be delighted to help celebrate your special day.
Through funerals and services of thanksgiving, our church offers support to families and friends faced with the loss of a loved one. The minister would be able to meet with you to discuss and plan a service.